Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

How To Prevent And Eliminate Body Odor

How To Prevent And Eliminate Body Odor. Welcome Catatankesehatanku.blogspot.com, All The Latest and Free I give to you all here. This time I'll present How To Prevent And Eliminate Body Odor. If you do I can not wait to be seen directly, yes ... Hehehe ...
How To Prevent And Eliminate Body Odor - This time I am going to share a tips on health for you all. You must have experienced the problem of body odor is not. I'm sure it's a problem that removes your confidence. I would love know little about body odor problem and how to solve.

Many ways you can do to our body odor smell is not so disturbing other people, one of which may be a turn to the perfume, but it's not a solution, because the smell of body covered only by the fragrance of perfume, and would return if the effect of perfume disappearing.

To overcome the problem of body odor you have, the following How To Prevent And Eliminate Body Odor may be you try, the following How To Prevent And Eliminate Body Odor More.

A. Betel leaf decoction to drink, one drink per day
2. Eating basil leaves at least one mobile per day
3. Apply cucumber slices after every shower in the armpits and other body parts that smell
4. Do not eat fatty foods, especially meat
5. Reducing spicy food
6. Do not drink coffee with caffeine
7. Shaped wear deodorant spray (a form of solid or roll-on just to make armpit wet / damp armpit, leaving marks on clothes anyway).

Actually there are many more How To Prevent And Eliminate Body Odor, but for now you guys please try the 7 tips above, may reduce your body odor.

A few How To Prevent And Eliminate Body Odor from me. Thank you for visiting the Catatankesehatanku.blogspot.com and read How To Prevent And Eliminate Body Odor. My smile of greeting. (^ _ ^)

Ditulis Oleh : artikel kesehatan // 02.15

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