Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Sex Good For Health

Sex Good For Health. Welcome Catatankesehatanku.blogspot.com, All The Latest and Free I give to you all here. This time I will present Sex Good For Health. If you do I can not wait to be seen directly, yes ... Hehehe ...
Sex Good For Health - Sex is a necessity for everyone. It turned out that in addition to fun sex has benefits for health. This time I update about Sex Good For Health. May indirectly be said that sex is the most enjoyable way to maintain health. Then what is the reason the sex is good for health? Simply Sex Good For Health.

A. Good for the Heart
    Sex is done in an effective way to help keep your heart health. A man who had sex twice or more a week, a lower risk of heart attack.
2. Lose Weight
    Sex is a physical activity like sports are more fun than other sports. Although only burn 85 calories in 30 minutes, sex can be performed as part of a healthy lifestyle.
3. Avoiding Disease
    Routine sex can prevent minor illnesses like colds and increase immunity. But sex should not be made redundant because if done too much antibodies in the body it will go down.
4. Reduce Pain
    Hormones produced during sexual intercourse can reduce pain such as painful menstruation, painful joints and various other pain. The hormone also functions to lower blood pressure so it is good if you're a migraine or stress.
5. Reducing the Risk of Prostate Cancer
    Prostate cancer is a disease common to man. But a new study shows that men who ejaculated five times or more a week have a lower risk of prostate cancer.
6. Reduce Stress
    Medically sex will make the heart feel good and can reduce stress. Besides sex will also lower blood pressure and make you feel calmer.
7. Makes you sleep better
    During sex your body will produce a lot of endorphins and oxytocin is very good for relaxation that will make sleep more soundly.

That's 7 Reasons Why Sex Good For Health. There are many other benefits of sex. So very good if you are having sex, but it's best if you are married. Hope it helps with the Sex Good For Health.

Sex so good for health than I am. Thank you for visiting and reading to Catatankesehatanku.blogspot.com Sex Good For Health. My smile of greeting. (^ _ ^)

Ditulis Oleh : artikel kesehatan // 01.12

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